Pirogki with spring onions and eggs

 Pirogki means small pies in Russian. Most of the time yeast dough is used for these delicious pirogki, like I made for Kulebyaka pie. But making such dough is a time-consuming, and you need to make lots of small pies or one big. I suggest you to try the dough based on kefir or any other soured milk product, it’s very quickly to prepare, and you can use both sweet and savory filling. Today I chose one of favourite filling in my family – a mixture of chopped spring onions and hard-boiled eggs. Pirogki with this filling reminds me warm days in Russia, first of the spring crops, including young and juicy spring onions from parents’ garden and amazing aroma of these pies. For my husband, it brings memories about his grandmother, the days she was cooking these pies and serving with a jug of fresh milk. 🙂Pirogki with spring onion and eggs

Pirogki with spring onions and eggs

  • Servings: 3-4
  • Difficulty: easy
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*Using sour cream is optional, you can substitute it with the same amount of kefir or creme fresh. 
These pirogki is also good with a soup instead of bread.
220-250ml full fat kefir (buttermilk or laban)
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp white sugar
2 tbsp sour cream*, optional
1 large egg
2 tbsp sunflower oil
400-450g plain flour
150g spring onions, chopped
1 tbsp butter
4 large eggs, hard-boiled, chopped
S&P to taste
Egg wash
1 large egg yolk
1 tbsp milk
Preparation method
  1. In a large mixing bowl, add kefir, soda, salt, sugar and mix. Leave for 4-5 minutes. Add sour cream (if using), egg, sunflower oil and mix well. Sift the flour into mixture, stir to combine. Cover with plastic wrap or kitchen towel and leave to rest for 20-30 minutes. If you don’t have time – rest it for 10 minutes or for a time while you’re preparing the filling.
  2. For the filling, in a small frying pan melt the butter, add chopped onions and saute on a medium heat for 5-7 minutes until soft. Don’t let it burn. In a bowl combine soft spring onions with eggs, season to taste.
  3. Roll the dough into 10-12cm circles, add 2-3 tsp of the filling into each circle, seal the edges.
  4. Arrange pirogki on a lined baking tray. Brush each pie with egg wash {for egg wash whisk ingredients together}. Bake in preheated 180C oven for 20-22 minutes or until golden.
  5. Serve warm with a glass of milk.
Enjoy! ❤
Russian pirogki - small pies
Sharing at Fiesta Friday party, wonderful party where Angie is a lovely hostess, and Margy and Selma are co-hosts this time.


  1. polianthus says:

    Oh I remember these!! I also remeber – zakuski (is that little starters you eat with vodka??) AND I remember these amazing mushroom pie like things that are sold at a Russian Fast food chain, cannot remember what they were called, but the dough was slightly sweet the mushroom filling was hot and the whole thing was wonderful when it was cold outside . oooh and then I remember shashlik eaten after walking round the weekend market at Izmailovsky Market – in December at ‘-30 °C – outside with really cold vodka, ooh that was good 🙂 Milk and Bun thanks for the all the memories! and can you tell me why Russians love icecream when it’s freezing outside? :)!

    • milkandbun says:

      Yeap, zakuska is an starter/appetizer, which served before a main course (I guess as everywhere) or a snack/starter for an alcohol. For example, slices of cheese for a wine – it’s also zakuska)) From verb “zakusit’ ” which means get a bite.
      You made me laugh about winter and ice cream! 😀 I think we eat it just because we want it at the moment. What to do if it’s winter, you can;t change the weather! 😀 but usually we do it inside, in warm houses/cafes.

  2. Jhuls says:

    Oh, wow! These look really beautiful, Mila. What a creative and good cook you are. That close up photo of the inside of the pie is just mouth watering! 😀

  3. platedujour says:

    It’s incredible how much we have in common, and how close to my heart all your recipes are. My grandma used to make something similar, and back home we eat pierogi with fermented milk- I’m sure it’s the case for you too! Lovely recipe, and I will be trying it soon! I hope you’re well xx

    • milkandbun says:

      Thank you, Marta! I’m doing good, hope you’re too! 🙂 Pirogki is all the time favourite meal! 😉 And what was the filling your grandmother made?

      • platedujour says:

        For us it was always potatoes with cottage cheese and onions or meat. I’m good- in Lyon now until next Monday- eating way too much!

      • milkandbun says:

        Potato puree and these one are my fav fillings. To be honest, I don’t like small pies with meat. 😀
        Enjoy the time in Lyon! 🙂

  4. Hi Mila – when I lived in Winnipeg, there was a little beachside place selling freshly fried, home made pirogies which we had to have with lots of sour cream! My favourite ones were stuffed with potato and onion…ahh,,,,,memories…yours look so delicious – thanks so much for sharing these with us at Fiesta Friday!

    • milkandbun says:

      You know, Selma, I adore pirogki with potato puree, they are my favorite! So glad, my post brought back lovely memories of your life.
      Pirogki usually are fried, but I prefer baked – more healthier and not greasy. 🙂

    • milkandbun says:

      It’s a great part of the blogging – discovering new recipes and ideas! Please write me – if you will try it, I do really hope you will find the recipe easy to follow and pirogki will be nice and delicious! 🙂

  5. Pingback: Knyshy | milkandbun

  6. Pingback: Small quiches: 4 fillings | milkandbun

  7. Paula says:

    My family makes little piragi so very similar, but with a speck/cured and smoked pork belly filling. Also mushroom ones, and potato/onion ones – but my favourites are the speck and definitely spring onion and egg! I love your pastry – this is a point of difference between the Latvian buns and Russian style. Usually the Russian bun is fried, but Latvian ones are a yeast raised dough and baked. I look forward to trying these soon! Perhaps accompanied by a light vegetable soup. Thanks for sharing this recipe!

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