
Hi and welcome to my blog! 🙂

My name is Mila and I’m founder of milkandbun blog. I love cooking and especially baking, as well as food styling and photography. When I cook I try to come up with simple and easy, tasty and healthy recipes. Though I make some complicated dishes time to time, like famous Russian pie – koulebyaka.

 I’m Russian, but currently live in Dubai. Many of my recipes I blog about are from traditional Russian cuisine, which for some people seems exotic but for me is pretty normal, and it’s not only borsch and blini.

 I can’t say that I loved to cook when I was younger and lived with my parents; my wonderful mother was a chef in our kitchen, and her pies have been the most delicious in the world for me ever since. But after got married I forced myself to cook. 😀 and eventually fell in love with a cooking and food styling.

Please feel free to like, comment and ask any questions about recipes, ingredients or technique. My pleasure is to help you and share my experience.

I’m open for cooperation with food bloggers, communities, magazines, also restaurants etc. with a mutual benefit. If you’re interested in food styling or photography please contact me for further information.


Please do not use any images without my express permission. All photos on this blog are original and property of ‘milkandbun’, unless otherwise noted.
If you would like to use any content here, please credit me with a link and/or contact me here in advance.
Thank you!


  1. Whisked Away says:

    So nice to “meet” you! And you do a mighty fine job with photography yourself! Everything looks fabulous. I am especially intrigued that you are from Russia, my sister served a mission for our church there so I’m excited to surprise her and make one of your traditional dishes! I’m sure you are having a wonderful experience in Dubai as well. Looking forward to following along, trying some of your recipes and getting to know you better! xx Jamie

  2. Hi Mila. Thanks for finding my blog and your nice comments. In looking at your blog I see we share many similar likes. Your photos and food styling are impeccable. Very nice blog.

  3. Hi Mila, Your blog is such a delight. I had been behind with visiting many of my favorite blogs since I transitioned to self-hosting. Today, I caught up with your beautiful posts. Everything you have done here is first class! Congratulations to your arts of cooking/baking, photography and presentations A book in process, maybe? 🙂 xo Fae.

    • milkandbun says:

      Hello-hello! Glad to hear from you! So kind of you to pay attention to my blog and say all these words, Fae! It’s a dream to publish my own book with recipes, hope one day.. 😀

  4. wok with ray says:

    Hi Mila, I just want to thank you for dropping by and commenting on my site. I must say you have a beautiful blog. Your photography and food styling is simple yet classy and gorgeous.

  5. Hi Mila..You have a lovely blog with some great recipes and photography too…You are also living in my favourite city in this world…I’ve lived in Dubai for 15years and recently relocated to Mumbai,India for some time..hope you like my blog too:))

  6. weebluemixer says:

    I look forward to cooking some of your Russian recipes. I was just away to buy a Russian cookbook then I stumbled upon your page. I was like you, not loving cooking when I was younger but cooking because I had to. For me that’s changed too and I love it. Looking forward to following your food journey.

  7. Nivedita Dafade says:

    Never really got a chance to explore Russian cuisine. I can now make Russian dishes! 🙂 So thank you for dropping by my blog and your appreciation, means a lot to me.

  8. mahi says:

    To write a beautiful post it is very important to write a beautiful content and you have created a very nice design and I got a lot of inspiration from your post and I also want to have nice and beautiful post like you in my life.

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